Day 2 activities

Natural Watersheds:

The children learned how to perform chemistry tests to gauge water quality as well as collecting and identifying macroinvertebrates. In this case the bugs that live in the water and how collecting those bugs let's them gauge water quality. Those tests took place in multiple locations including upstream on Logan river, downstream at first dam park and then after the river passes through Logan in Rendezous park and Cutler reservoir. Quotes from the daily journals included: "There is a lot more to water then the average person perceives." and "Stream flow and chemistry shows me how Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fit together - work together." Other quotes included "I would tell my friends that they would really like doing today's activities. I would also tell them that they will learn so much from today's activities" and another quote answering the questions 'before today I thought' and 'but now I think' was: "Before today I thought: 'Ew bugs are gross! But now I think: Bugs are still gross!'".


7/11 Free Slurpee Day:

As today was 7/11, the children and the teachers stopped at the local 7/11 for free slurpees!

7-11 gas station for slurpee

E-Coli Sampling and Incubation:

Having collected samples from multiple locations, the children placed the sample in specialized containers and put those in an incubator and will check them a day later to see if any bacteria was in the water and if so what kinds of bacteria.


Rocket Building:

The children worked on building rockets using paper and then launching them using air pumps.
