Learning Objectives

To successfully complete the requirements of the Master of Science (M.S.) in Engineering Education program, students must meet the following key learning objectives:

LO1_MS: Create (e.g., design, develop, formulate) learning objectives and assessments relevant to those learning objectives

LO2_MS: Understand (e.g., identify, classify, describe, explain) various methods to measure and evaluate student achievement within the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains

LO3_MS: Synthesize issues (e.g., theories, ideas, research findings, conclusions, and recommendations) in writing

LO4_MS: Apply (e.g., use, implement, interpret) principles and practices of research methodologies typically used in engineering education research

LO5_MS: Apply (e.g., use, implement, interpret) regulations, policies, statues, ethical issues, and guidelines that govern the conduct of research with human subjects