Steps to Earning My Master’s Plan A

MS Plan A students complete research on an approved topic and write a thesis. They usually work as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) on a faculty member’s research. Typically, that research work provides the basis for the student’s thesis research topic.

  1. Complete the Responsible Conduct for Research online training. All MS Plan A students are required to take the RCR training before starting their research projects. Please email the completion certificate to the GPC. Your thesis proposal will not be approved without this certificate.
  2. Choose a Supervisory Committee.
    1. A master’s supervisory committee has at least three faculty who have been approved by the department and the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) to serve on committees.
      1. Major professor – supervises your research, advises you on courses to take and suggests faculty to serve on your committee.
      2. Committee member – a faculty member in your research area.
      3. Outside committee member – a faculty member outside your area of research (not necessarily outside of your department).
    2. Email your committee member’s names to the GPC after they have agreed to be on your committee. The GPC will submit the Supervisory Committee Approval Form (SCAF) for you.
    3. Due by the end of your second semester.
  3. Complete a Program of Study (PoS).
    1. The PoS is a contract between the student, committee, and SGS regarding what courses the student will take to meet SGS and department requirements and complete the degree program.
    2. Use the appropriate checklist of requirements (MECH or AERO) to create your PoS. Your major professor will help you select courses that fit your area of research.
    3. Email the PoS to the GPC who will then submit it for approval from your committee members and SGS.
    4. Due by the end of the second semester.
  4. Write a thesis research proposal.
    1. The approved proposal is an agreement between the student and committee as to the topic, objectives, methods/approach, and content of the final thesis. Your major professor will help you select a suitable thesis research topic and advise you on the amount of time it should take to complete the research. MS Plan A students must submit a thesis proposal for committee approval. Contact the GPC for a sample Proposal Outline, the USU Publication Guide, and templates for formatting.
    2. Send the thesis proposal to the GPC who will then distribute the proposal to the committee for approval. Upon committee approval, the GPC will complete the Master's Thesis/Project Approval Form and submit it for signatures.
    3. Due before your research gets too far along so it can be approved by your committee members.
  5. Research and write the thesis. As you conduct your research and write your thesis, consult with your major professor and committee for answers to your questions and feedback on your progress.
  6. Schedule a final defense.
    1. At least three weeks before the week you want to defend, and with your major professor’s approval, email a range of dates you would like to defend to the GPC. The GPC will send a poll to your committee members to determine their availability for the defense.
    2. The final thesis must be sent to your committee members for their review two weeks before the defense date.
    3. The GPC will schedule your defense and submit all required forms to SGS.
    4. If you have not completed all of the credits on your approved POS then you need to register for at least three (3) credits. If you have completed all credits on your POS, you may register for one (1) credit of MAE 6970 the semester you defend. Note that being registered for one credit is not considered full-time status, and thus would make you ineligible for a 0.5 FTE assistantship.
  7. Defend your thesis.
    1. Typically, the final defense consists of a 30-45 minute presentation (consult with your advisor on the length). Following the presentation, your committee will ask questions. Once their questions are answered, the committee will adjourn to deliberate and vote. They will return with the result of their deliberation and announce the result to the candidate and audience. The entire process will be allotted one and a half hours.
    2. Confirm with your committee any changes/corrections they want you to make, and the deadline for completing the changes.
    3. The GPC will submit all completed defense-related forms to the SGS after the defense and send you an after the defense email on what you need to do to complete your requirements.
    4. The GPC will change MAE 6970 thesis research grades to a "P" after a successful defense.
    5. After you make the changes/corrections your committee members requested, email your final thesis to the GPC for formatting review. Once the formatting issues are corrected, the GPC will email your thesis to the SGS for final formatting review.
    6. When SGS has approved your thesis, SGS will email your thesis to the library for their approval.
    7. Upon approval from the library, SGS will send you a final email with information, and instructions to complete your final steps toward graduation.
  8. Awarding of degree
    1. The SGS will do a final review of your file to make sure all forms and steps are complete. If anything is missing, the SGS will email a list of missing items to you and the GPC. If all steps are complete, the SGS will email you the degree award date and any post-completion information.
  9. Diplomas are mailed approximately eight weeks after the semester ends by the Registrar's Office. Notify the Registrar's Office if you think you should have received your diploma and have not.
  10. Order bound copies of your report (if desired/requested).
    1. You may order bound copies of your report from the library if you would like a personal copy.
    2. Before making copies, check to see if your major professor wants a bound copy. Digital Commons provides online access to these making a bound copy unnecessary for most faculty